Unhidden Secrets
Exhibition view, Unhidden Secrets, in the group exhibition, Islamabad – Artfestival, Islambad, 2019
Detailansicht, Unhidden Secrets, in der Gruppenausstellung, Islamabad–Artfestival, Islambad, 2019
Polaroids and Text fragments printed on A3 Laserprints
The artists Françoise Caraco and Eliane Rutishauser worked on site in collaboration with the public. They posed the question: What personal possessions in pockets, handbag or wallet do you carry around throughout the day? The layed out items were photographed and in addition, the participants wrote something which exended the picture with a story, an incident or memories the particular objects contains for their owners.
The same questions have been posed to participants in Switzerland on the occassion of the Kunst Zürich Artfair 2019.
The statements and the polaroid pictures from both on site projects are assebled on the walls of the Gallery.
The polaroids provide the viewer with less than an accurate picture. Rather they give an idea of the articles photographed and thus, toghether with the writen accounts, open an imaginative space for the observer.
The artists are interested on the cultural coloration of the word - picture combinations and on seemingly banal activities which tells of the everyday life on different parts of the world today.